open journal with everyon needs therapy

Why Everyone Needs Therapy – Even If You Are Happy

You are likely here because you have found yourself googling phrases such as “should I go to therapy” or “do I need therapy” and while the answer to that can be complicated. I believe that EVERYONE can benefit from therapy.

(Disclaimer, I am not a licensed professional and all advice in this article is based on my personal experiences)

I have been in therapy for years now. At first it was absolutely terrifying. And honestly my first couple sessions I just felt stupid, I felt like there was no way I was going to benefit from a practice like this. 

Now however, I love therapy. While I no longer have weekly sessions. I check in with my therapist at least once a month and more when I feel I need it (shout out Natalie, I love you and you changed my life). However, it took me YEARS to get to a point where I no longer felt I needed a consistent schedule.

Breaking the Stigma 

Lets be real. 

You hear “therapy” and immediately your mind goes to someone sobbing on a couch while the therapist nods telling them they understand and this is a safe place. 

But let’a set the record straight. 

Therapy is for EVERYONE 

It isn’t just for people in crisis. It isn’t something that is limited to those struggling with clinical depression or anxiety, trauma’s or childhood woods (though it is for sure beneficial for those as well)

I will say it again… Therapy is for everyone. 

Yes, even you — “the one who has it all together” but maybe you overthink every interaction or small thing, spirals at the thought of rejections, or keeps repeating toxic patterns in relationships. 

If you have a brain and experience emotions (which is everyone btw) you can benefit from therapy and here is why…

You get to know yourself on a deeper level.

Do you ever feel like you are on auto-pilot kind of just cruising through your routines and daily life? Or even making choices that having you going “Why on earth did I do that?”

Maybe you keep surrounding yourself with the wrong kind of people, self-sabotaging great oppurtunies, or convincing yourself you are “too much” but also “not enough”

These thoughts and patterns are extremely NORMAL. 

That is the important thing to get across. You are not a freak because you feel things or have toxic behaviours. We all have them, we all do them and we all feel them. Just in different ways. 

Therapy can help you unpack the why’s you may not even realize you were looking for. 

  • why do you crave external validation?
  • Why do you get defensive when someone offers criticism?
  • Why do you struggle with setting boundaries, even with those people who don’t deserve unlimited access to you? 

These are just some of endless examples of “why” questions you may not even realize you are asking.

Therapy holds up a mirror to your patterns, beliefs, and hidden motivators — the ones that run the show without even realizing it. 

And we can all benefit from looking in that mirror. 

You can unlearn toxic behaviours. 

One of my biggest take aways from therapy is the idea of false thoughts. 

I think most of us are walking around with a sort of programming that we definitly didn’t sign up for. 

  • maybe you were raised to people please and struggle to now say “no”
  • Maybe you were expected to shove down your feelings or didn’t feel safe to express them and now you have no idea how to deal with them.
  • Maybe you learned that success was directly linked to your self worth and now feel like a failure if you aren’t constantly achieving. 

These are what my dear therapist tells me are false thoughts. So much so that if I begin to share something along the lines of one of the examples. She stops me and says (somewhat aggressively) false thoughts. 

However, without therapy how would you be expected to determine these thoughts are indeed false. 

The human brain is a powerful thing and can convince us of realties that don’t exist. 

Therapy will help you unpack these “false thoughts”, learn their triggers, and where the come from. 

But most of all….

It will teach you that not every thought you have is true. 

You stop repeating the same mistakes. 

Therapy is a life changing tool to help you realize those damn mistakes you just keep making. 

Do you ever feel like you are just re living the same situation, thinking to yourself “Why does this feel familiar”?

  • maybe you attract the same toxic friendships — those people that just keep draining you instead of filling your cup
  • You end up with one toxic partner after the next, unsure of why it keeps happening to you
  • You keep self-sabotaging opportunities, never letting yourself to go for it

Do things like this keep happening to you and you just don’t understand why?

This is because, until you heal the pattern, you will keep repeating it. 

Therapy is the answer to healing the pattern. But no automatically. 

It gives you the tools and awareness to break the cycle. 

It’s like you finally have received a new script instead of being stuck in some weird freaky Friday spin-off.

Build Healthier boundaries (without feeling like a jerk).

If you’ve ever thought: 

“If I say no, I am being mean”

“I don’t want to be a problem, Ill jsut suck it up”

“I really don’t want to do this, but everyone else is”

Then congratulations! You are like majority of people on this planet. 

And therapy, can help this and you. 

Boundaries are not about being mean and pushing people away. They are about making sure you are choosing YOU.

Choosing yourself without any guilt. 

Therapy will help you determine how and why it is okay to say no to certain situations, set limits with those who drain you, and most of all learn that your needs are important too. 

We have got to take care of ourselves before we can even attempt to be there for anyone else. 

And trust me, as the “advice friend” and “free therapy friend” you really will burn out and begin to resent those around you instead of being there for them like you want to if you do not prioritize yourself. 

It is okay to say I cannot mentally handle your load as well right now, I need to focus on me. 

Therapy gives you the tools you need to say that without guilt. 

Learn Coping skills that ACTUALLY work.

Let’s be real. Life certainly does not stop because you are having a bad day. Even though we have all wished it would. 

Life just keeps life-ing. 

You will experience rejection

You will have bad days

You will have moments of anxiety, stress and being overwhelmed. 

And I have no idea how people deal with those things without the coping methods one learns in therapy.

Actually that is a lie. I do. 

Because I used to do them too, before I found therapy.

Overspending, scrolling for hours to “relax”, abusing substances, or even just gas lighting yourself into thinking everything is fine are all examples of unhealthy coping methods that everyone turns too when they are dealing with difficult emotions.

Imagine being able to: 

  • regulate your emotions instead of reacting in the heat of the moment
  • Self-soothe without needing external validation
  • Cope with stress in ways that actually work
  • This is the power of therapy. 

I know what you’re thinking…

Isn’t therapy expensive? Yes it is, it costs money (most of the time). 

But so does:

  • Impulse shopping
  • Drinking (or using other substances) to cope with stress every single weekend
  • Staying in a miserable situation because you don’t have the financial ability or just don’t know how to leave
Mental health is an investment into YOU, not a luxury

And if cost is a barrier, you may want to explore these options:

  • Look into sliding scale therapists (many offer reduced rates)
  • Check if your workplace has mental health benefits
  • Explore online therapy — it is often more affordable and flexible than in person therapy
The bottom line: Therapy is for everyone 

You don’t need to be in crisis or think that your life is falling apart to start therapy.

Therapy is not limited to those with a traumatic past

You really just need to be a human being navigating life — because, as we know all to well by now, adulthood is a total scam, relationships are confusing, and we have all got some stuff to work through. 

So if you’ve ever thought to yourself — “maybe I should try therapy” 

Let this be your sign! You deserve it!

All my love, 


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